Sustainability Report of the CyberBOX Project
Download the Report on the sustainability of the project for the period I. – VI. 2024. It is available in pdf format including photos here.
Download the Report on the sustainability of the project for the period I. – VI. 2024. It is available in pdf format including photos here.
Due to the scope and design of the final report, we attach it for download in pdf format. Download here.
We are learning to collaborate in experiential education (JukeBOX, CyberBOX, FinBOX, GameBOX, …)
Today, the CZECH.UP development team and NARA-SK introduced a completely redesigned version of the LP CyberBOX on the CZECH.UP JukeBOX platform.
Throughout the year 2023, we closely monitored the collaboration between our member, the National Recycling Agency Slovakia (NARA-SK), and the Czech association CZECH.UP in the development, education, and dissemination of the Erasmus+ project CyberBOX. Gamified Knowledge Training on the JukeBOX Platform
In 2023, we actively started working with our partner from the Czech Republic, CZECH.UP association, on a new Erasmus+ project called Cyberbox. This project is a gamified knowledge program that leverages artificial intelligence to support the entrepreneurial skills of young people and adults. The CyberBOX project is based on the gamified training platform CZECH.UP JukeBOX.
CyberBOX is a gamified course operated by the Platform CZECH.UP JukeBOX. This platform is owned by Panatec s.r.o., which has placed it under the administration of the CZECH Innovation Association. UP. The operation of JukeBOX and individual courses (e.g. CyberBOX) is managed by organizations that actually participate in cooperation and comply with the rules set by this community.
Today, on October 23, 2023, we met with Mrs. Poupětová for the ongoing practical assessment of Jan Čáp and Patrik Vacík at the CZECH.UP association.
At the international meeting of CyberBOX partners (Transnational project meeting), which took place on 31.08.2023 in Zvolen in KONEKT – a place for meeting young people, the project partners evaluated the course of activities so far.
The partners of the ERASMUS+ CyberBOX project, who are involved in the development of innovative educational trainings, had a significant presence at the international conference Energofutura, which took place on May 18, 2023 in Košice. The conference section focused on the presentation of new and innovative ways of education on the Community Innovation Platform CZECH.UP JukeBOX.